Get Spare Money

Get Spare Money

Because really, who doesn’t want money to spare?

Consider me your connector. Whether it’s tax breaks that will save you money, information on home buying incentive programs, special offers from home improvement professionals, or free ice cream at the local scoop shop, my goal is to hook you up so that you have more money left in your pocket..

Looking for a roofer, window replacement specialist, chimney sweep?  Don’t know where to find a mortgage lender?  Here are links to my preferred partners – and if you don’t see what you’re looking for, drop me a line, and I’ll find the best recommendation for your specific needs.

Some of my favorite money saving links are as follows: – A great site to get some awesome discounts on dining out in Maryland! – A great site for helping you save for children’s college while still shopping for the products you use everyday.

The Clymb – The Clymb inspires human-powered adventure by delivering member-exclusive 72-hour sales on premium brands and experiences.
